Italy: Italian Processed Tomato Overview 2023

  |   Attaché Report (GAIN)   |   IT2023-0013

According to the latest data released by the National Association of the Canned Vegetables Industry (Anicav), Italy is the third largest processed tomato producer in the world (behind the United States and China), representing approximately 14.8 percent of the global production and 56.5 percent of Europe’s production, with revenue of nearly $5.4 billion in 2022. Approximately 65,180 hectares were planted, split mainly among the central-southern provinces of Foggia, Caserta, and Potenza, and the northern districts of Piacenza, Ferrara, Parma, Mantova, Alessandria, Cremona, Verona, Reggio Emilia, and Modena. Italy’s processed tomato production was 5.5 million metric tons (MMT) in 2022, 10 percent down from the previous year. This is due to an 8.5 percent reduction in area planted. In 2022, Italy imported 17,069 MT of processed tomatoes from the United States.

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