Italy: Fresh Deciduous Fruit Annual 2014

  |   Attaché Report (GAIN)

With more than 2MMT, Italy provides around 20 percent of the EU-28 apple production. Italy’s MY 2014/15 apple production is forecast to increase by 11 percent compared to the previous year thanks to favorable weather conditions. Italy is the largest pear producer in the EU-28 and ranks third in the world after China and the United States. Italy’s MY 2014/15 pear production is forecast at 707,000 MT, a 2.6 percent decrease over last season’s supply because of the heavy rainfall occurred during fruit setting and maturity phases. Italy ranks sixth in world’s table grape production and third among table grape exporters, behind Chile and the United States. After a record campaign in MY 2013/14, Italy’s MY 2014/15 table grape production is forecast to decrease significantly, mainly due to unfavorable weather during flowering and fruit set.

Italy: Fresh Deciduous Fruit Annual 2014


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