Guatemala: Grain and Feed Annual

  |   Attaché Report (GAIN)   |   GT2022-0004

Guatemala continues to be a net importer of both yellow corn and rice. Corn area and production in MY2022/2023 are forecast to shrink one percent as some commercial farmers have decided not to plant corn given record high increases of more than 100 percent in fertilizer costs (mainly urea) and a nearly 90 percent increase in oil prices. Rice production will shrink 3 percent, but planted area maintains its previous size as the government reinstated the mandatory domestic purchase policy when managing quotas. The United States increased its market share in both grains in the past year. Consumption of corn and rice, the main grains in the country, are forecast to drop as prices in 2022 report record highs of up to 42 percent above past 5-years average prices. FEWS NET forecasts a food security phase 3 crisis in Guatemala.

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