Guatemala: Grain and Feed Annual

  |   Attaché Report (GAIN)   |   GT2021-0012

Guatemala is a net yellow corn importer, but white corn production is expected to grow 9 percent, forecasting 1.89 million metric tons (MT) in Marketing Year (MY) 2021/2022. Guatemala is a net rice importer. Recent satellite images resulting from the assessment of hurricanes Eta and Iota at the end of 2020 revealed a rice production area three times larger than the last official estimate (which had only considered commercial production) reaching 13,000 hectares (Ha) with 75 percent of the producers being subsistence farmers (less than 2 Ha), small and extremely poor. Prices at retail and wholesale for both grains reached record highs during the March-August period of 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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