EU-28: Fresh Deciduous Fruit Annual

  |   Attaché Report (GAIN)

This report provides EU-28 production, supply, and demand forecasts for fresh apples, fresh pears, and table grapes. Ample domestic supply of apples and pears in MY (marketing year) 2014/15 (good crop and abundant commercial stocks for both), together with the Russian import ban on those products, puts pressure on the fresh deciduous fruit market. Commercial apple production in MY 2014/15 is estimated to increase by 8 percent year- on-year and reach 11.7 MMT. Commercial pear production is forecast to be comparable to MY 2013/14 at 2.2 MMT whereas table grapes production is expected to be down by 16 percent and account for 1.6 MMT. As a reaction to the Russian import ban, introduced at the beginning of August 2014, the EU Commission took “exceptional measures” to support affected industries.

EU-28: Fresh Deciduous Fruit Annual

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