Ethiopia: Coffee Annual

  |   Attaché Report (GAIN)   |   ET2023-0014

Ethiopia is Africa’s largest coffee producer and the world’s fifth largest exporter of Arabica coffee. Coffee is Ethiopia’s number one source of export revenue generating about 30-35 percent of the country’s total export earnings. All the coffee produced in Ethiopia is of the coffee arabica variety. In 2023/24 total production is forecasted to be 8.35 million 60 kg bags (501,000 MT). The coffee industry in Ethiopia is the driving force of the country’s economy, socio-cultural, and spiritual life of the people. The livelihood of 25 percent of the country’s population is directly or indirectly dependent on the coffee value chain will remain so in the years to come. Post Addis estimates Ethiopia’s coffee production for MY 2022/23 (Oct-Sep) to reach 8.27 million 60 kg bags (496,200 MT).

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