Dominican Republic: Grain and Feed Annual

  |   Attaché Report (GAIN)   |   DR2024-0002
Wheat consumption in the Dominican Republic (DR) during marketing year (MY) 2024/25 (July 2024/June 2025) is forecast at 490,000 metric tons (MT), unchanged from the previous MY. Dominican wheat imports are forecast to rise to 670,000 MT due to manufacturers’ international expansion plans and growth in the hotel, restaurant, and institutional (HRI) sector. Corn imports for MY 2024/25 (October 2024/September 2025) are expected to reach 1.57 million MT due to continued strong demand from the poultry sector. The projection for milled rice production in MY 2024/25 (July 2024/June 2025) stands at 680,000 MT, driven by reservoirs at full capacity and the adoption of mechanization in select production areas. Meanwhile, rice imports are anticipated to see a slight uptick, fueled by higher consumption and the expiration of tariff rate quotas.

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