Dominican Republic: Grain and Feed Annual

  |   Attaché Report (GAIN)

Wheat consumption in the Dominican Republic (DR) during Marketing Year (MY) 2017/2018 (July 2017/ June 2018) is forecast at 410,000 metric tons (MT), with imports remaining strong at 530,000 MT. Post forecasts imports of corn to remain steady at 1,250,000 MT during MY 2017/18 (October 2017/ September 2018). During MY 2015/16, U.S. corn market share declined to 17 percent of total imports. Post expects this trend to reverse during MY 2016/17 due to lower prices compared to South America and increased availability. However, a record corn crop in Brazil and a larger global supply during MY 2017/18 is expected to eventually divert local demand back to South American sources. Rice continues to be one of the most important agricultural products grown in the DR. Production of milled rice for MY 2017/18 (July 2017/ June 2018) is forecast at 520,000 MT and is expected to remain stable. 

Dominican Republic: Grain and Feed Annual

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