Dominican Republic: Grain and Feed Annual

  |   Attaché Report (GAIN)

Wheat consumption in the Dominican Republic during Market Year 2016/2017 (MY 2016/17) is forecast at 405,000 Metric Tons (MT), with imports remaining strong at 530,000 MT. Post forecasts imports of Corn to remain steady at 1,225,000 MT during MY 2016/17. Even though US corn has regained its leadership in the market, US market share declined during MY 2014/15 to 48% of total imports. Post expects this trend to continue during MY 2016/17 due to higher perceived quality and increased availability of Brazilian corn, combined with the willingness of Dominican importers to pay a premium for that quality. Rice continues to be one of the most important agricultural products grown in the DR. Production of milled rice for MY 2016/17 is forecast at 530,000 MT and is expected to remain stable. 

Dominican Republic: Grain and Feed Annual

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