Colombia: Colombia Issues New Resolution on Nutrition and Front of Pack Labeling Requirements for Processed Foods

  |   Attaché Report (GAIN)   |   CO2022-0026

On December 13, 2022, Colombia's Ministry of Health and Social Protection (MINHEALTH) issued Resolution 2492 of 2022, an amendment of Resolution 810 of 2021 that establishes new front-of-pack label requirements, nutrition profiles, and additional definitions for sweeteners, ultra-processed food, minimally processed food, food products without processing, and processed food products. Resolution 2492 requires implementation within six months following its date of publication in Colombia's Official Gazette (December 14, 2022). Holders of a permit, registry, or sanitary notification that have already implemented the provisions set in Resolution 810, and those who continue complying with Resolution 333 of 2011, should file a request with the Colombian National Institute for the Surveillance of Medications and Food Products (INVIMA) for the depletion of labels before February 28, 2023 (see email in report). This report includes the original regulation and an English translation.

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