Colombia: Biofuels Annual

  |   Attaché Report (GAIN)   |   CO2023-0013

In 2023, ethanol production is forecast to recover to 380 million liters due to better weather conditions. In 2022, ethanol production decreased as adverse weather conditions and high sugar prices led to local producers prioritizing sugar production. Biodiesel production is forecast to continue growing in 2023 to 780 million liters. Colombia’s economy is projected to grow at a slower pace in 2023, which with increasing gasoline prices due to the gradual removal of government subsidy, will restrict more substantial growth in fuel consumption. Fuel ethanol imports are forecast at 80 million liters assuming the ethanol blend mandate continues to increase in the second half of the year. U.S. ethanol exports entering Colombia continue to face a countervailing duty of $0.066/kg ($0.052 per liter), originally put in place in May 2020 and extended for 5 years after the expiry review final result in March 2023. No biodiesel trade is expected in 2023. The biodiesel blend mandate will continue at B10.

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