China: Potatoes and Potato Products Annual

  |   Attaché Report (GAIN)

In January 2015, the government announced efforts to boost potato production and transform the crop into the country's fourth major “grain” after rice, wheat and corn. Post forecasts China’s MY2015/16 (July-June) fresh potato production at 93 million metric tons, a 3 percent decrease from MY2014/15. This decrease is largely attributed to a declining crop area due to low potato prices in MY2014/15. Post forecasts MY2015/16 potato starch production at 550,000 MT, up 22 percent from 450,000 MT in MY2014/15. Post forecasts China’s MY2015/16 frozen French fries imports at 130,000 MT, largely unchanged from MY2014/15.

China: Potatoes and Potato Products Annual(link is external)

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