China: Growing U.S. Export Opportunities in Lanzhou’s HRI and Retail Sectors

  |   Attaché Report (GAIN)

Lanzhou is a rising second-tier city in Northwest China that is now increasingly able to provide U.S. food and agricultural exporters opportunities in the retail and hotel, restaurant and institutional (HRI) sectors. Retail sales of consumer goods increased 7.6 percent to reach $21 billion in 2017. Due to the fierce competition in major east coastal cities, national retailers are expected to turn their attention west to second-tier cities, such as Lanzhou. The HRI sector is also growing, led by domestic tourism and the robust mining and energy sectors in the region. By the end of 2019, new construction is expected to double the number of five-star hotels in Lanzhou. This report discusses retail and HRI developments, and potential market entry strategies for U.S. exporters to expand their reach into Lanzhou and Northwest China.

China: Growing U.S. Export Opportunities in Lanzhou’s HRI and Retail Sectors


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