China: Grain and Feed Annual

  |   Attaché Report (GAIN)

Corn and rice production are forecast to reach record levels at 226 and 209 million tons in MY 2015/16 respectively. MY 2015/16 wheat production is forecast at a near record 125 million tons. If realized, this will boost China’s combined output of these grains to a massive 560 million tons, making it once again the world’s largest combined producer of these grains. The record production is the result of high government set prices and subsidies, and has resulted in excess stocks and large fiscal and environmental costs. Imports of corn, wheat and rice are forecast to stay low due to ample domestic production and excess stocks, while imports of lower cost alternative feed imports, such as sorghum, barley, and distiller's dried grains with solubles (DDGS) are expected to continue to expand. Sorghum imports are estimated to have more than doubled in MY 2014/15, with the United States as the largest supplier.

China: Grain and Feed Annual

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