China: Decree 248 Product List Update - September 2023

  |   Attaché Report (GAIN)   |   CH2023-0125

The General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China (GACC) Bureau of Import and Export Food Safety (BIEFS) recently updated the list of products subject to Decree 248. The PRC has not notified these changes to trade partners. Between April 19, 2023, and September 12, 2023, it added 15 products and removed 14 products. The changes affect dairy products, poultry products, fruit and vegetable juice, canned fruit, aquatic products, sweets, and chocolates. Before shipping, exporters should verify that their production or cold storage facilities have completed GACC's registration process. The updated list of products subject to Decree 248 facility registration is attached to this report.

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