China: China’s Measures on Entry-Exit of Non-edible Animals Products

  |   Attaché Report (GAIN)

On November 13, 2014, the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ) issued Decree 159, the Measures on Inspection, Quarantine, Supervision and Administration of Entry-Exit Non-Edible Animal Products. The Measures became effective on February 1, 2015. The AQSIQ Decree 159 applies to the inspection and quarantine of non-edible animal products for entry, exit or transit. These Measures do not apply to feed and feed additives of animal origin, animal breeding materials and biological materials of animal origin and their products. According to Decree 159, non-edible animal products that enter China are subject to quarantine access requirements, which include product risk analysis, assessment of the exporting country/region’s regulatory system, determination of inspection and quarantine requirements, as well as registration of overseas manufacturing establishments. This report contains the translation of the Decree 159 as provided on the AQSIQ’s website

China: China’s Measures on Entry-Exit of Non-edible Animals Products


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