China: China Approves Market Access of U.S. Sugar Beet Pulp Pellets

  |   Attaché Report (GAIN)

On September 26, 2016, China’s General Administration for Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ) published “AQSIQ Announcement (2016 No. 97) Inspection and Quarantine Requirements for Importing U.S. Sugar Beet Pulp.” AQSIQ also lists 16 U.S. sugar beet pulp facilities approved to export U.S. sugar beet pulp to China. This report contains an UNOFFICIAL translation of the AQSIQ Announcement (2016 No. 97) Inspection and Quarantine Requirements for Importing U.S.Sugar Beet Pulp. 

China: China Approves Market Access of U.S. Sugar Beet Pulp Pellets


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