Chile: Stone Fruit Annual

  |   Attaché Report (GAIN)

Chile’s cherry exports reached a record of 184,741 MT in MY2017/18. Cherry trees planted area grew steadily at a 10.2 percent rate surpassing 30,000 hectares (ha) in MY2017/18. Eighty-five percent of Chilean cherries go to China. Post estimates MY2018/19 cherry exports to remain flat at 185,000 MT because of a decrease in yield offset by an increase in planted area. Total fresh nectarine trees and peach orchards planted area reached 7,101 ha in MY2017/18, from which 5,101 ha are nectarines and 2,000 ha are peaches. Post forecasts fresh Chilean peaches and nectarines exports to decrease by 7.5 percent and reach 90,000 MT considering that the planted area of nectarine and fresh peaches is steady but yields will not be as high as in MY2017/18.

Chile: Stone Fruit Annual

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