Chile: Raisin Annual

  |   Attaché Report (GAIN)   |   CI2024-0016
Chilean raisins are almost exclusively produced from grapes deemed unsuitable for the export market at vineyards focused on fresh table grape production for export. In marketing year (MY) 2024/25, Post estimates that due to low area planted, raisin production will total 68,900 metric tons (MT), a 6.9 percent decrease from MY 2023/24. Chilean raisin exports are forecast to decrease by 7.6 percent to 66,000 MT. As table grape yields and quality levels are expected to be average in MY 2024/25, a lower share of table grape production will be turned to raisin production. Domestic consumption is forecast to increase by 1.5 percent to 3,300 MT, which aligns with a growing population.

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