Chile: Fresh Deciduous Fruit Semi-annual

  |   Attaché Report (GAIN)   |   CI2024-0010
In marketing year (MY) 2023/24, higher than normal temperatures early in the winter and a slow accumulation of chilling hours caused a delay in the harvest, and subsequently a delay in export shipment, of most deciduous fruit. However, production and export volumes should catch up as the production season evolves. In MY 2023/24, due to a reduction in area planted, Post estimates table grape production and exports will total 630,000 metric tons (MT) and 480,000 MT respectively, a 3.3 percent decrease of both. In MY 2023/24 Post estimates apple production at 860,000 MT, a 1.1 percent decrease from MY 2022/23. Apple exports will decrease by 1.3 percent and total 463,000 metric tons. Pear area planted will decreased by 4.8 percent and total 200,000 metric tons. Subsequently, Post estimates pear exports to decrease by 4.7 percent and total 100,000 metric tons.

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