Chile: Fresh Deciduous Fruit Semi-annual

  |   Attaché Report (GAIN)   |   CI2022-0009

In MY2021/22, Post projects that table grape production will increase by 15.2 percent, totaling 760,000 MT and exports will increase by 14.2 percent, totaling 600,000 metric tons. For MY2021/22, Post estimates apple production at 1,036,000 MT a 4.8 percent decrease from MY2020/21 on lower planted area. Apple exports will total 610,000 MT, a 5.2 percent decrease from MY2020/21. Considering the declining trend in pear planted area, Post estimates Chile’s MY2021/22 fresh pear production to decrease by 6.9 percent and total 215,000 metric tons. Pear exports will decrease by 11.5 percent and total 112,000 MT, since shipping costs increased significantly forcing many producers to sell fruit for processing.

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