Chile: Food Processing Ingredients

  |   Attaché Report (GAIN)   |   CI2021-0006

Chile has consolidated its reputation as one of the main players in the global food industry. According to Chilealimentos A.G. (Chile’s Food Processors Association) food sales in Chile reached $44.4 billion in 2020, which represents a 7.8 percent decrease of sales compared to 2019, and Chilean domestic food sales reached $27 billion in 2020. Chile is among the top fifteen agricultural exporters in the world, and its main agricultural exports are wine, blueberries, cherries, grapes, prunes, dehydrated apples, salmon and mussels. In 2020, food exports decreased 3.4 percent over 2019, mainly due to lower volumes of salmon, trout and fresh fruits export shipments. Currently, Chile exports 77 percent of its food as fresh and semi-processed food products, and the remainder 23 percent as processed food products. In addition, Chile enjoys a robust commercial network thanks to its 30 trade agreements with 65 countries.

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