Chile: Blueberry Annual Voluntary

  |   Attaché Report (GAIN)   |   CI2022-0030

Blueberry area planted went from around 7,000 hectares (ha) in marketing year (MY) 2010/11 to over 18,000 ha in MY 2021/22. The United States is the top market for Chilean fresh and frozen blueberries, receiving more than half of the Chilean export volume. In MY 2021/22, fresh blueberry exports totaled 106,148 metric tons (MT), a 9.0 percent decrease from MY 2020/21, due to lower production. In MY 2021/22, frozen blueberry exports totaled 53,983 MT a 12.4 percent increase over MY 2020/21. The Biobio and the Ñuble regions have access to the U.S. market using a systems approach, which allows these two regions to export fresh organic blueberries to the United States since they do not require fumigation.

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