Chile: Avocado Annual
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In marketing year (MY) 2024/25, due to favorable climatic conditions, avocado production is expected to total 200,000 metric tons (MT), representing a 33.3 percent increase from MY 2023/24. The area planted will total 33,010 hectares, reflecting a one percent growth from MY 2023/24. Exports for MY 2023/24 are estimated at 116,000 MT, a 29.8 percent increase over the previous marketing year due to higher production volumes. Imports are projected to decrease by 20 percent, totaling 55,000 metric tons. Chileans consume avocados daily and year-round, incorporating them into salads, sandwiches, and various other dishes available in foodservice. Top-quality avocados are primarily sold in retail, while lower-grade avocados are used in foodservice for sandwiches, hot dogs, and sushi.