Chile: Avocado Annual

  |   Attaché Report (GAIN)   |   CI2023-0031
In marketing year (MY) 2023/24, due to favorable climatic conditions and abundant rainfall in the winter, Post estimates that avocado production will total 200,000 metric tons (MT), a 21.2 percent increase from MY 2022/23. Area planted will total 32,710 hectares, a one percent growth from MY 2022/23. MY 2023/24 exports are estimated at 110,000 MT, a 24.4 percent growth over the previous marketing year due to the higher production volume. Imports will decrease by 14.1 percent and total 65,000 MT to cover for total domestic consumption which will reach 155,000 metric tons. Chileans consume avocado on a daily basis and throughout the year, in salads, sandwiches and a variety of other products that are sold in foodservice. The top-quality avocado is sold mainly in retail; food service purchases lower grade avocado to use in sandwiches, hot-dogs, and sushi.

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