Canada: Oilseeds and Products Annual

  |   Attaché Report (GAIN)   |   CA2024-0008
FAS/Ottawa forecasts oilseed crush capacity (the estimated maximum rate of crushing at which a mill can operate continuously while maintaining a proper level of efficiency) reached 12.99 million metric tons (MMT) in March 2024 and will reach 15.14 MMT by the end of the 2025 calendar year, up from 11.23 MMT in 2023. Project delays in 2023, 2024, and into 2025 have slowed the growth of crush capacity. In marketing year (MY) 2024/25, Canada’s net total production of oilseeds (canola, soybean, and sunflower seeds) is forecast to decrease by two percent to 24.86 MMT, based on government planting-intentions survey results. Total meal production (soymeal and canola meal) is forecast to increase by 3.8 percent on increased canola crush volumes, which comprises 85 percent of all domestically produced crush. Canada-U.S. bilateral trade flows of soy and canola meal will be determined, as always, by feed cost differentials.

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