Canada: Exporter Guide

  |   Attaché Report (GAIN)

In 2016, Canada is projected to regain the position as the top destination by value for U.S. agricultural exports. In fiscal year 2015, U.S. agricultural exports to Canada reached US$21.3 billion making Canada, a close second behind China as an export destination for U.S. growers and processors. Canada represents the top market for U.S. exports of high-value food products - $17 billion annually. Canada accounts for over one-fourth of U.S. consumer oriented exports - a market size equivalent to Japan, Hong Kong, Korea, China and Taiwan combined. This report is a practical guide for U.S. food exporters interested in marketing and shipping products to Canada. We encourage first-time exporters and new-to-market companies to read thoroughly through this guide and from time to time refer to it as reference guide.

Canada: Exporter Guide

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