Bulgaria: Grain and Feed Market Update

  |   Attaché Report (GAIN)   |   BU2024-0009
Bulgaria has enjoyed favorable weather so far in MY 2024/25 that has supported the positive development of both winter and spring grains. Currently, FAS/Sofia estimates the MY 2024/25 wheat crop at 6.9 million metric tons (MMT), slightly above last year's crop. Strong yields are expected to more than offset the small decline in planted area. The barley crop is projected up at 850,000 MT due to both larger area and higher expected yields. Spring crops had a promising start to the season and the FAS/Sofia estimate for the corn crop is at 2.8 MMT, above the MY 2023/24 drought-impacted crop level. However, this estimate can be revised depending on the weather conditions during the critical months of July and August. Dynamic export demand in MY 2023/24 is leading to wheat exports above initial expectations and they are estimated to reach 5.2 MMT.

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