Belarus: 2014 Pork and Poultry TRQ for Belarus Doubled

  |   Attaché Report (GAIN)

On October 14, 2014, the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) published amendments to the list of commodities subject to tariff rate quota (TRQ) regulations in 2014 and the volumes of the tariff-rate quotas for imports of these goods into the Customs Union territory (i.e., Russia, Kazakhstan, and Belarus). In particular, the Decision doubled the pork and boneless poultry TRQ volumes for Belarus in 2014, to 40MT and 20MT, respectively. The EEC Decision shall enter into force 10 days from the date of its official publication (i.e., October 24, 2014).

Belarus: 2014 Pork and Poultry TRQ for Belarus Doubled

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