Argentina: Oilseeds and Products Update

  |   Attaché Report (GAIN)   |   AR2024-0016
Post increases marketing year (MY) 2024/2025 soybean production to reach 52 million metric tons (MMT), up 1 MMT higher than USDA official and Post’s previous estimate on 17.2 million hectares (MHA) harvested as producers shift to more soy away from corn over fears of the impact of corn stunt (leafhopper/Chicharrita) in corn, continued low prices, and expected dry conditions. Soybean crush is increased to 42 MMT in MY2024/25 fueled by higher production and higher imports, primarily from Paraguay as Argentina’s processing sector continues its recovery from several years of drought. Sunflower production is also poised to increase to 1.9 MHA planted resulting in a production of 4 MMT in MY2024/2025 with expansion tempered by dry conditions in the northern growing region at the ideal planting window. Post maintains previous peanut production, crush, and export forecasts in MY2024/2025 and MY2023/2024 with a production of 1.35 MMT in both years.

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