Sample Proposal Format

Technical Assistance for Specialty Crops (TASC) Program

NOTE: Please read the Notice of Funds Availability and the program regulations on the TASC Program page before submitting a proposal.

A. Organizational Information

Organization Name:


Chief Executive Officer (or designee):

Federal Tax Identification Number (TIN):

Type of Organization (e.g., non-profit, university):

Primary Contact (name, phone, fax, email):

Description of organization and its membership:

Description of organization's experience providing agricultural technical assistance, including activities undertaken and results achieved:

B. Project Information

Project Title:

Funding Amount Requested:

Market Assessment (including brief description of the specific export barrier to be addressed and its effects on the subject commodities or products):

Project Goals:

Expected Benefits to Represented Industry:

Description of the planned activities:

Itemization of estimated for which reimbursement will be sought:

Itemization of financial and in-kind support to be provided for the proposed project:

C. Export Information

Performance measures to be used to measure the effectiveness of the project (covering 3 years):

Benchmark performance measure for the year prior to project implementation:

Assessment of potential for long-term export sales to this market: