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Private exporters reported the following sales activities for MY 2024/2025: 30,000 MT of soybean oil for delivery to India, 261,264 MT of soybeans for delivery to Mexico, 135,000 MT of soybean cake and meal for delivery to the Philippines.
From September 9-13, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Foreign Agricultural Service held a multi-city Agribusiness Trade Mission (ATM) in Vietnam. Under Secretary for Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs Alexis M. Taylor led one of the largest USDA trade missions, which included representatives from 33 U.S. businesses, 9 State Departments of Agriculture, and 23 USDA cooperators.
Private exporters report sales to China, India, Mexico, and unknown destinations.
USDA will provide $466.5 million in FY 2024 funding to strengthen global food security through the McGovern-Dole and Food for Progress programs, Secretary Vilsack announced today.
U.S. Department of Agriculture Under Secretary for Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs Alexis M. Taylor arrived in Ho Chi Minh City today to launch a USDA-sponsored agribusiness trade mission.
Under Secretary for Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs Alexis M. Taylor will lead a U.S. Department of Agriculture trade mission to Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi, Vietnam, Sept. 9-13, joined by representatives from 58 agribusinesses and organizations and nine state governments that represent the diversity of U.S. agriculture.
Private exporters reported the following sales activity for MY 2024/25: 198,000 MT of soybeans for delivery to China, 110,490 MT of corn to Mexico, 105,000 MT of soybean cake and meal for delivery to Vietnam, and 132,000 MT of corn to unknown destinations.
USDA will make an additional $300 million available through the Regional Agricultural Promotion Program to help grow export markets for American farm and food products around the world
Secretary Vilsack announced today that USDA is allocating $300 million to 66 U.S. organizations to build demand for American food and farm exports in high-potential markets around the globe.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service is accepting applications from current and potential U.S. exporters for a trade mission to Vietnam, Sept. 9-13, 2024. Participants will attend events in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi, and will also have the opportunity to engage with visiting buyers from Burma (Myanmar), Cambodia and Thailand.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) is accepting fiscal year 2024 applications for the Food for Progress Program. This Program supports agricultural development activities in countries and emerging democracies that are committed to introducing and expanding free enterprise in the agricultural sector.