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Communications to Congress

Food for Progress Program – FY 2023 Report to Congress

USDA and USAID will deploy $1 billion in Commodity Credit Corporation funding to purchase U.S.-grown commodities to provide emergency food assistance to people in need throughout the world.
Communications to Congress

Food for Progress Program – FY 2022 Report to Congress

Communications to Congress

Food for Progress Program – FY 2021 Report to Congress

USDA and USAID intend to draw down entire Bill Emerson Humanitarian Trust to respond to global food insecurity
While in Kenya, Ambassador Cindy McCain saw how USDA’s McGovern-Dole Program has helped boost food security and educational opportunities for vulnerable children and families.
Communications to Congress

Food for Progress Program – FY 2020 Report to Congress

Communications to Congress

Food for Progress Program – 2019 Report to Congress

Communications to Congress

Food for Progress Program – 2018 Report to Congress

FAS is soliciting proposals for projects to be funded in fiscal year 2017 through the Local and Regional Food Aid Procurement Program (LRP). Through the LRP, FAS partners with private voluntary organizations, cooperatives, and the World Food Program...
Peter Mumo of Kenya meets with Amy Harding, deputy director of the FAS Food Assistance Division, in Washington. (Photo Credit: Steve Taravella, United Nations World Food Program) As a young boy in eastern Kenya, Peter Mumo faced a life of poverty...
USDA's FY 2016 investment in two international food assistance programs will benefit more than 6.1 million vulnerable people worldwide.