Browse Newsroom

USDA will provide $466.5 million in FY 2024 funding to strengthen global food security through the McGovern-Dole and Food for Progress programs, Secretary Vilsack announced today.
Secretary Vilsack met with Chinese Minister of Agriculture and Rural Affairs Tang Renjian to address outstanding market access issues and other U.S. agricultural stakeholder concerns,
FAS is working with university students in Tanzania on a pilot project to gather grassroots data on grain, oilseed, and cotton crops to help strengthen community agricultural systems and improve crop condition assessments with satellite imagery.
USDA will invest $178 million in seven international development projects on four continents to support U.S. government priorities including promoting climate-smart agriculture, facilitating trade and addressing the root causes of migration in Central America.
Fact Sheet

Global Fertilizer Challenge

The Global Fertilizer Challenge will support innovative research, demonstrations, and training to help countries with high fertilizer usage and loss adopt efficient nutrient management and alternative fertilizers and cropping systems.
Throughout 2021, FAS was proud to support USDA's efforts to create more and better markets for U.S. agriculture, to address the climate crisis, and to promote nutrition and food security.
The USDA quarterly trade forecast released August 26 projects FY 2021 and 2022 U.S. farm exports at record levels.
Secretary Perdue: China Phase I Deal is a Bonanza for American Agriculture
Representing USDA at the G-20 Agricultural Ministerial in Xi’an, China, June 3, 2016, were: (back row, left to right): Jason Hafemeister, FAS/Washington; Chris Frederick, FAS/Beijing; Wade Sheppard, FAS/Washington; and Bruce Zanin, FAS/Beijing; and...
U.S.-China Joint Fact Sheet on 25th Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade (USTR)
U.S. and Chinese Delegations Conclude 25th Session of the U.S.-China Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade (USTR)
Contact: USDA Office of Communications, (202) 720-4623 Agriculture Secretary Reports Progress at the U.S.-China Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade WASHINGTON, Dec. 23, 2013 -- Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today reported progress on a number...