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USDA will provide $466.5 million in FY 2024 funding to strengthen global food security through the McGovern-Dole and Food for Progress programs, Secretary Vilsack announced today.
Preliminary Results from Southern Africa Ag Trade Mission USDA Under Secretary for Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs Ted McKinney said during a media call-back from Cape Town, South Africa, that the Southern Africa trade mission appears to be...
Contact: or (202) 720-711 WASHINGTON, Oct. 26, 2018 – U.S. Department of Agriculture Under Secretary for Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs Ted McKinney will lead a trade mission to Southern Africa Oct. 29-Nov. 2, joined by U.S...
The U.S. Department of Agriculture is now accepting applications for the 2016 Food for Progress Program, which helps developing countries and emerging democracies modernize and strengthen their agricultural sectors. U.S. agricultural commodities...
WASHINGTON, Nov. 20, 2013 – The U.S. Department of Agriculture today announces availability of the following credit guarantees for sales of U.S. agricultural commodities under the Commodity Credit Corporation's Export Credit Guarantee Program (GSM...
WASHINGTON, July 11, 2013 – The U.S. Department of Agriculture today amends availability of the following credit guarantees for sales of U.S. agricultural commodities under the Commodity Credit Corporation's Export Credit Guarantee Program (GSM-102)...
WASHINGTON, May 7, 2013 – The U.S. Department of Agriculture today amends availability of the following credit guarantees for sales of U.S. agricultural commodities under the Commodity Credit Corporation's Export Credit Guarantee Program (GSM-102)...
If you can name it, there’s probably a competitive event for it. For instance, coffee has its own competition called the Cup of Excellence. In the coffee world, no honor is more sought after. It is given each year to only top coffees from...
WASHINGTON, Dec. 6, 2011–Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced today that USDA is investing more than $8.5 million to help six organizations develop improved food aid products under the Micronutrient-Fortified Food Aid Products Pilot Program...
Contact: USDA Office of Communications (202) 720-4623 WASHINGTON, May 17, 2011 – Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today announced that the U.S. Department of Agriculture will award more than $346 million in international assistance grants, which...