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USDA and USAID will deploy $1 billion in Commodity Credit Corporation funding to purchase U.S.-grown commodities to provide emergency food assistance to people in need throughout the world.
If you committed to eating healthier this new year, chances are you are not alone. New year resolutions focused on living a healthy lifestyle are some of the most common resolutions made throughout the world. Thankfully sticking to that new year...
USDA’s Foreign Agricultural Service Associate Administrator Clay Hamilton arrived today in Madrid to launch a USDA agribusiness trade mission to Spain.
More than 30 agribusinesses and farm organizations will visit Madrid, Spain, from Nov. 29 through Dec. 2, for a trade mission sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Members of the delegation will engage directly with potential buyers from Spain and Portugal, receive in-depth market briefs from USDA’s Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) and industry trade experts, and participate in site visits.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service is accepting applications from U.S. exporters for its first-ever agricultural trade mission to Madrid, Spain, on Nov. 29 – Dec. 2.
Export Sales Announcement

Export Sales to China, Italy, and Unknown Destinations

Private exporters reported the following sales activity for the 2022/2023 marketing year: 132,000 MT of soybeans for delivery to China; 105,000 MT of corn for delivery to Italy; and 120,000 MT of corn for delivery to unknown destinations.
As part of USDA's commitment to expanding and diversifying global market opportunities for U.S. agriculture, the Department will sponsor four additional international trade missions in 2022,
Seven USDA-led Agricultural Trade Missions are scheduled for next year in continuing efforts to increase export opportunities. USDA Radio’s Rod Bain talks to Under Secretary for Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs Ted McKinney about the 2020 trade...
Washington, D.C., Dec. 5, 2019 – The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) will sponsor seven agribusiness trade missions in 2020 to grow and diversify export opportunities around the world for America’s farmers and ranchers, Under Secretary for...
U.S. Deputy Secretary of Agriculture Stephen Censky led a successful trade mission to West Africa, October 28-31, where he helped U.S. exporters unlock new opportunities in the region and advocated for the Administration’s Prosper Africa initiative...
Contact: or (202) 720-7115 WASHINGTON, Dec. 4, 2018 – The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) will sponsor seven trade missions in 2019 to expand export opportunities for U.S. agriculture across the globe, Under Secretary for...
Agriculture Deputy Secretary Kathleen Merrigan will lead the U.S. delegation to the ministerial conference of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in Rome June 25 to July 2.