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Communications to Congress

Food for Progress Program – FY 2023 Report to Congress

USDA will provide $466.5 million in FY 2024 funding to strengthen global food security through the McGovern-Dole and Food for Progress programs, Secretary Vilsack announced today.
USDA and USAID will deploy $1 billion in Commodity Credit Corporation funding to purchase U.S.-grown commodities to provide emergency food assistance to people in need throughout the world.
Communications to Congress

Food for Progress Program – FY 2022 Report to Congress

USDA, through its administration of the McGovern-Dole International Food for Education and Child Nutrition (McGovern-Dole) Program, is the largest global donor to school feeding efforts, providing U.S. agricultural commodities, funding, and technical assistance to reduce hunger, support nutrition, and improve literacy and primary education, especially for girls, around the world.
Looking to increase U.S. exporter presence in Southeast Asian markets, a U.S. Department of Agriculture delegation, led by USDA Under Secretary for Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs Alexis Taylor, expanded existing trade ties in Malaysia and Singapore earlier this month.
Leaders from three state agriculture departments and 29 U.S. agribusinesses and organizations will accompany U.S. Department of Agriculture Under Secretary Alexis M. Taylor on a trade mission to Southeast Asia October 30 – November 3 to expand export opportunities for U.S. food and farm products to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), the world’s fourth-largest market.
Export Sales Announcement

Export Sales to Guatemala and Unknown Destinations

Private exporters reported the following sales activity for MY 2023/2024: 124,545 MT of corn for delivery to Guatemala and 295,000 MT of soybeans for delivery to unknown destinations.
As fall approaches, September celebrates the most-consumed meat in the United States: chicken. Two-thirds of U.S. chicken are raised in Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, and Texas. And did you know that U.S. chicken meat is also a top agricultural export for our nation?
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is accepting applications from U.S. exporters for a two-country agricultural trade mission to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and Singapore on Oct. 30 – Nov. 3, 2023.
USDA's Under Secretary for Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs Alexis Taylor arrived in Panama City today to launch an agribusiness trade mission. Taylor and a delegation of representatives from agribusiness and farm organizations and state departments of agriculture look to develop stronger ties and build economic partnerships between the United States and Panama and markets throughout CAFTA-DR region.
USDA's Under Secretary for Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs Alexis M. Taylor will lead a delegation of 26 agribusinesses and farm organizations to Panama City, Panama, from March 19 to 23.