Browse Newsroom
WASHINGTON, July 11, 2013 – The U.S. Department of Agriculture today amends availability of the following credit guarantees for sales of U.S. agricultural commodities under the Commodity Credit Corporation's Export Credit Guarantee Program (GSM-102)...
WASHINGTON, May 7, 2013 – The U.S. Department of Agriculture today amends availability of the following credit guarantees for sales of U.S. agricultural commodities under the Commodity Credit Corporation's Export Credit Guarantee Program (GSM-102)...
By organizing and executing agricultural trade missions, USDA’s Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) is helping U.S. exports thrive around the world. In 2011 alone, USDA led 57 U.S. agribusinesses on missions to Peru, Indonesia, Vietnam, Colombia and...
WASHINGTON, Jan. 28, 2011 -- USDA's Acting Under Secretary for Farm and Foreign Agricultural Services Michael Scuse will lead 20 U.S. companies on an Agribusiness Trade and Investment Mission to Lima, Peru, Jan. 31-Feb. 3, 2011, to meet with 150...