Secretary Vilsack announced next steps in USDA's efforts to bolster U.S. agricultural trade, including the planned trade missions for 2024 and the opening of a public comment period for the new Regional Agricultural Promotion Program.
U.S. Deputy Secretary of Agriculture Stephen Censky led a successful trade mission to West Africa, October 28-31, where he helped U.S. exporters unlock new opportunities in the region and advocated for the Administration’s Prosper Africa initiative...
Contact: Washington, October 25, 2019 – U.S. Deputy Secretary of Agriculture Stephen Censky will lead a trade mission to West Africa, October 28-31, to help United States exporters unlock new opportunities in a region where strong...
Inside the grille area of Cochran Fellowship Program alumnus Marcelo Roel’s La Perdiz restaurant in Montevideo, Uruguay. Uruguayan restaurateur Marcelo Roel credits USDA’s Cochran Fellowship Program (CFP) with helping him expand his business by...