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Communications to Congress

Food for Progress Program – FY 2023 Report to Congress

USDA and USAID will deploy $1 billion in Commodity Credit Corporation funding to purchase U.S.-grown commodities to provide emergency food assistance to people in need throughout the world.
Communications to Congress

Food for Progress Program – FY 2022 Report to Congress

Agriculture Secretary Vilsack today announced the United States is investing $455 million to strengthen global food security and international capacity-building efforts.
USDA's Under Secretary for Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs Alexis Taylor arrived in Panama City today to launch an agribusiness trade mission. Taylor and a delegation of representatives from agribusiness and farm organizations and state departments of agriculture look to develop stronger ties and build economic partnerships between the United States and Panama and markets throughout CAFTA-DR region.
USDA's Under Secretary for Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs Alexis M. Taylor will lead a delegation of 26 agribusinesses and farm organizations to Panama City, Panama, from March 19 to 23.
For FY 2023, USDA anticipates awarding up to $224 million in new McGovern-Dole cooperative agreements. USDA has identified the following as priority countries for FY 2023: Cameroon, Haiti, Mozambique, Nepal, Nicaragua, Sri Lanka, and Togo.
Communications to Congress

Food for Progress Program – FY 2021 Report to Congress

USDA and USAID intend to draw down entire Bill Emerson Humanitarian Trust to respond to global food insecurity
Communications to Congress

Food for Progress Program – FY 2020 Report to Congress

Communications to Congress

Food for Progress Program – 2019 Report to Congress

Washington, D.C., Jan. 2, 2020 – The U.S. Department of Agriculture is recruiting interested U.S. exporters for its first 2020 trade mission, which will take place in Casablanca, Morocco, March 16-19. The mission will focus on boosting U.S...