Zimbabwe: Zimbabwe Announces a New Guideline on Investment and Opportunities

  |   Attaché Report (GAIN)

On January 18, 2018, recently installed Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa issued the national investment policy statement that outlines the guidelines for investing in Zimbabwe, and the available opportunities. The policy statement is part of the many efforts by the new government to attract investors and revitalize the poorly performing economy. If implemented effectively, this policy could result in an increase in agriculture production and growth of the Zimbabwean economy. Post projects that trade opportunities for the United States may include non-genetically modified (GM) seeds, rice, food ingredients, consumer oriented products, animal feed, animal genetics, bovine semen, dairy products, plant varieties, wheat, sorghum, legumes, hops for beer production and liquor products mainly whisky. 

Zimbabwe: Zimbabwe Announces a New Guideline on Investment and Opportunities

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