Zimbabwe: Zimbabwe Agricultural Economic Fact Sheet

  |   Attaché Report (GAIN)

In 2014 Agriculture contributed about 10% to the Gross Domestic Product in Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe’s main trading partner is South Africa, which accounted for about 77% (US$ 877M) and about 56% (US$543M) of Zimbabwe’s agricultural exports and imports, respectively. The total agricultural trade between the United States and Zimbabwe amounted to US$26 Million (2% of total agricultural trade) in 2014. Exports to the United States amounted to US$21 million, with sugar exports (64%) under the Sugar Tariff Rate Quota Allocations and tobacco (21%) being the main export products. The key products imported by Zimbabwe from the United States are coarse grains excluding corn (24%), vegetable oils excluding soybean (24%) and intermediate products (54%). 

Zimbabwe: Zimbabwe Agricultural Economic Fact Sheet

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