Zimbabwe: Sugar Annual

  |   Attaché Report (GAIN)   |   RH2024-0001
Cane production in Zimbabwe is forecast to increase in MY 2024/25, as major dams have sufficient volumes to supply irrigation water to cane-producing regions. Production will also be supported by carry-over cane due to the late start to the MY 2023/24 harvests after a contractual dispute between growers and millers. Post expects sugar production will also improve due to increased cane quality and the expectation of timely deliveries. The government of Zimbabwe introduced a sugar tax on sweetened beverages and a 15 percent VAT on refined sugar, which may have a slight effect on consumption, but the reinstatement of the import duty of sugar is expected to boost domestic sales for Zimbabwean sugar producers. Zimbabwe is expected to fully utilize its allocation of the U.S. sugar tariff-rate quota in FY 2024.

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