Vietnam: Grain and Feed Quarterly

  |   Attaché Report (GAIN)   |   VM2024-0018
In MY 2023/2024, Vietnam’s rice production appears to be remained stable compared to previous year. Despite a slight decline in harvested areas because of climate change as drought and salt-instruction. By adjusting the crop calendar and adopting new rice high-yield, disease-tolerance rice varieties have led to higher yields compared to the previous year, thereby, offsetting losses from reduced harvested areas. Export volumes have also remained stable, driven by strong demand, although export prices are subject to uncertainty depending on the export and import policies of other countries. Import volumes have become increasingly important as additional supply source, particularly for the rice used for food and feed processing. Vietnamese authorities prioritize sustainability and efficiency in rice business and production. They have proposed the programs aimed at increasing incomes and living standards for rice farmers, protecting environment, adapting climate change, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

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