Vietnam: Cotton and Products Update

  |   Attaché Report (GAIN)

Post estimates that cotton planted area in Vietnam likely drop to less than 1,000 hectares. Post revised its estimate of cotton imports to Vietnam in MY2015/2016 down 121,000 tons to 998,800 tons (or 4,581 million bales), from the previous forecast of 1.17 million tons, which was calculated based on the average 5-year growth. This situation made cotton exports to Vietnam in MỴ 2015/2016 up 7% in volume and 1% in value over MY 2014/2015. In MY 2015/2016, U.S. cotton continues to capture the market with a dominant share of 42%. In MY2016/2017, Vietnam’s cotton consumption is projected to continue rising at a strong pace.

Vietnam: Cotton and Products Update

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