United Arab Emirates: Grain and Feed Annual

  |   Attaché Report (GAIN)

The UAE’s overall consumption of grain and feed is projected to grow nearly 6 percent over the next year. Due to the absence of domestic grain production, a rise in consumer demand for these products will need to be satisfied via imports. UAE’s wheat imports are forecast to rise 5 percent, reaching 1,300 thousand metric tons (TMT) in marketing year (MY) 2017/18. Similarly, rice imports are estimated to climb 5 percent to 1,285 TMT with corn imports increasing 10 percent to 620 TMT by the end of 2017. Although UAE’s barley consumption estimates are slightly higher for MY2017/18, a substantial volume of remained stocks will decrease barley imports by 12 percent to 450 TMT. 

United Arab Emirates: Grain and Feed Annual

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