Taiwan: Taiwan Seafood Market Update 2024

  |   Attaché Report (GAIN)   |   TW2024-0018
Taiwan's overall seafood imports declined to US$1.9 billion in 2023, down 11 percent from 2022. Seafood exports from the United States, however, grew by 40 percent, and amounted to nearly US$45 million. Among the top ten foreign suppliers, the United States is the only one that expanded exports. This significant increase was driven by higher demand for frozen seafood in the foodservice sector, exacerbated by a worsening labor shortage. Major U.S. seafood exports to Taiwan include Alaska pollock, frozen livers and gonads, live, fresh, or chilled lobsters (Homarus spp.), and cooked or frozen lobsters (Homarus spp.), as well as cooked or frozen rock lobster.

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