Taiwan: Dairy and Products Annual

  |   Attaché Report (GAIN)   |   TW2024-0043
Starting in 2025, Taiwan will eliminate tariffs on liquid milk imports from New Zealand. Taiwan dairy farmers are worried about the future, as the primary dairy product in Taiwan is fresh milk, with only a small portion used for other dairy beverages or products. In the long term, due to a growing awareness on healthy eating, there is strong and increasing demand for dairy products among the Taiwanese population. In 2023, imports of dairy products totaled $654 million, with the main suppliers being New Zealand, the United States, and France. Post estimates that Taiwan imports will remain stable in 2025 with 66,000 MT of liquid milk, 24,000 MT of butter, 25,000 MT of skim milk powder (SMP) and 34,000 MT of whole milk powder (WMP).

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