Sri Lanka: Sri Lanka Enacts Regulations to Ban and Limit Trans-fats in Food Products

  |   Attaché Report (GAIN)   |   CE2023-0010


Office of Agricultural Affairs, Colombo   |   (011-94) (11) 249-8500

The Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka (Sri Lanka) recently introduced the Food (Trans-Fat) Regulations (2022), that bans and limits the use of high trans-fats foods effective January 1, 2024. The new regulations requires packaged food containing trans-fats to label the trans-fats content. It prohibits the sale of any food, which the content of trans-fats (other than trans-fats naturally occurring in fat of animal origin) exceeds two percent of the total fat contained in the food, as well as bans partially hydrogenated oils. These regulations do not apply to food products manufactured exclusively for the purpose of export.

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