South Africa: Namibia Opens Market for U.S. Poultry Meat and Poultry Products

  |   Attaché Report (GAIN)

In May 2018, Namibia officially opened its market for U.S. processed and unprocessed poultry products from establishments approved for export by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS). In 2017, Namibia imported 29,500 tons of broiler meat, valued $27.9 million. Due to the recent rise in demand, Post estimates that Namibian broiler meat imports will increase by about 3.5 percent, reaching about 30,500 tons in 2018. The U.S. will face competition from South Africa, Brazil and the Netherlands, which enjoy majority of the market share. Compared to beef and pork, broiler meat is relatively affordable and is increasingly becoming an important protein source in the diet of many Namibians. 

South Africa: Namibia Opens Market for U.S. Poultry Meat and Poultry Products

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